Tuesday 23 August 2011

Assignment 1: Art Appreciation & Criticism

The Shaft of the Dead Man

THE SHAFT OF THE DEAD MAN, painting in the well of the cave at Lascaux, France.ca.15, 000 – 13, 000 BCE, Bison 3’ 8’’ long.

The Shaft of the dead man, one of the wall painting that founded in the Lascaux  cave. The true intention of this cave painting is unknown. However, there are several interpretation of the cave painting. It is drawn by the Middle-Upper Palaeolithic Men during Middle Aurignacian, c. 20,000 BCE (The Paleaolithic Age, 1955). This cave painting revolves around the record of an important hunting event (Larousse Encyclopedia of' Prehistoric and Ancient Art, 1962). Where it shows a tragic hunting scene. The bison was wounded by the hunter; however it killed the hunter instead. In addition, drawings showing a rhinoceros fleeing the scene, and a bird stick which might represent the hunter’s totem are present.  A stroke on the hunter, which is regarded as a prominent penis as he is turned on by the bison, can be seen. (Ages a Global History). It is also assumed that the scene is a representation of the Siberian Yakuts cow sacrifice in which there are posts topped by birds similar to the ones depicted in the Lascaux scene, which helps to complete the shaman’s spiritual journey (Anthropos, 1952).
For the imitative, the cave painting is showing a tragic hunting scene of a middle-upper Paleolithic hunter in Lascaux, France. While for the functionalistic, the cave painting is also assumed to be a record of an important event during the time, which is hunting. Hunting is considered an important activity as it is how they get their food and survive. 
For my own interpretation, this wall painting give me a mystery impression as it is the only wall painting that founded in the well of the cave which is hard to reach and the painting is painted there. Why the painting being painted in this kind of location? For my point, maybe the painter was the man inside the painting. From the painting, the man is act as hunter and he has the fight with bizon and hurt by it. He escaped and come to the well where hard to get in by the bizon. He painted the painting to record down the scene he fight with the bizon. There is also a rhino which is far apart from the man and rhino and it is painted in the opposite direction. Why? For my interpretation, the rhino might being rescued by the man or bizon and it is escaping, this could explain that why the rhino is drawn in the different direction and far apart from the other.
This is my interpretation for the cave painting as I felt mystery of the background of cave painting as many things are still a question marks for the archeologist and the meaning of the painting are still unknown. I am quite interesting with this so I decided to find some research about and also express my thought. I hope sir could give me some comment regarding to my interpretation.

Ajorloo, B., Bolt, R., Cameron, D., Covey, A, R., Edwell, P., Burke, H., et al. (2007) Archeologica. In Loretta, B., Monica, B., Annatte, C., Danielle, D., Judith, S., Marie-Louise, T. (Ed), Lascaux Cave, France. Retreved, June 2, 2011 from http://books.google.com.my/books?id=A0llBlzF6UgC&pg=PA127&dq=the+hall+of+bulls+lascaux&hl=en&ei=Dq0RTpWSH8eurAfI6YWIBA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=6&ved=0CEEQ6AEwBQ#v=onepage&q=the%20hall%20of%20bulls%20lascaux&f=false
Kleiner, S, F. (2006). Gardner’s Art Through The Ages: The Western Perspectives, 13th Edition, Volume 1.  Sharon, A, P. (ed). Materials and Techniques. Retrived June 6, 2011 from http://books.google.com.my/books?id=mBrvazPDFoYC&pg=PT41&dq=the+hall+of+bulls+lascaux&hl=en&ei=Dq0RTpWSH8eurAfI6YWIBA&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=10&ved=0CFMQ6AEwCQ#v=onepage&q=the%20hall%20of%20bulls%20lascaux&f=false
The Principles of Good Design – Balance (n.d.) Retrived  May 27, 2011 http://www.bluemoonwebdesign.com/art-lessons-2.asp
The Principles of Good Design – Unity  (n.d.) Retrived  May 27, 2011

The Principles of Good Design – Movement  (n.d.) Retrived  May 27, 2011

Elements of Art (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Retrived May 25, 2011, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elements_of_art
The Shaft of the dead man [Photograph]. Retrived May 29, 2011 from http://www.archaeology.org/online/interviews/zombies/
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