Wednesday 24 August 2011

The Last Supper

The Last Supper, Leonardo da Vinci, after cleaning 1498, Tempera on plaster
460 x 880 cm (15 x 29 ft.), Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie (Refectory), Milan

The Last Supper is one of the greatest artwork done by the genius artist, Leonardo da Vincci. This artwork was painted in Milan, Italy and this artwork describe the last day of Jesus as it is told in the Gospel of John. And that is when Jesus announced that one of his Twelve Apostles would betray him and something have to be done. It can be clearly seen that in this picture, there are Six Apostles on both side of Jesus.
In this piece of artwork, almost all of the other artists interpret it as John is the one who is betraying Jesus because as shown in the artwork. John is holding a knife which is supposed as the weapon going to use to assault Jesus and kill him. (The Last Supper- the study of the painting of Leonardo da Vincci). Apostle John according to some provocative speculations is in reality Maria Magdalena (with the look of Leda) who wears clothes with inverted color schema in comparison to the clothes of Jesus (royal blue blouse with red cape versus red blouse with royal blue cape) as a symbol of a relation.
Besides, this artwork also has a theology of humility because Jesus knew what was going to come and he gathered all his disciples around and they feast and he told them that he knew what is coming and he washed his disciples’ feet. (Wikipedia- The Last Supper).
For my interpretation towards this painting, I think that Apostles John is the one that going to betray Jesus as what we can see from the painting. John is holding a stick which looks alike with knife. From this, it might be explained that John is going to kill the Jesus. For this painting, it shows the bad humanity of soul as the apostles is betrayed the Jesus though the Jesus is sharing the wine and bread with his disciples and said “This is my body, given for you. Do this in remembrance of me.", according to the bible story.
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